The mind of someone with ADD

That is me. I jump from thing to thing sometimes in a matter of seconds. Sometimes it takes days. If I am really excited about something for more than a month it probably is something that will be around for awhile. I do take medicine for this ailment. It I didn't I would be unable to work. So one thing I have decide to try and do is to make a list of five things. Once I have finished all five I will then move on to five more. See one of the problems is that I get very overwhelmed and then I do nothing. Sort of like this blog. In the past I have tended to write about one specific thing but then I get bored. That is why this blog will have a little of everything. Oh I don't think I will make it into the blog hall of fame nor do I expect that I will have hundreds reading and following me. This is mainly about me and metrying to sort through this foggy brain of mine.


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