Been more than a few days

I have not written in a few days because of sickness in the family. I have found that in a household if you are use to a certain amont of work from each person and someone is sick or not there your work increases. Now I know this is something that sounds like I should know but still. So the flu has struck our house and I have been busier than normal. So today I will again cover three things.

One: the movie Julie & Julia. We watched it yesterday and it was much better than I thought it would be. It was funny (not like rolling in the floor funny more like laugh out loud funny), and intersting. I was very jelous that her blog did so much better than mine, but I was told it was because of content.

Second: "The principal of St. John's Lutheran School was fired this weekend for espousing the shocking doctrine that maybe the church is in error and men don't have total authority over women." I get so tired of this. For years men used the Bible to supress womens rights. I thought we had moved on from this. I know that not all Lutheran Churches feel this way but I guess I assumed they had moved on. I guess what they say about assuming is right.

Third: I guess my pride in my home state was premature. I should have known that the South would continue to drag behind the rest of the world. Though I am still a southern girl at heart, I just am more open minded than most.


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