Been a while

Been awhile since I wrote and today seemed like a good day. I am on my way to the beach with my good friend. The ride so far has been very good for me. We were able to talk about things we have in common some good and some bad. Its amazing when in life you find someone that you have a real connection with. I am not talking about a sexual thing but more of a mental thing. Gwen and I seem to have that. Never in my life have I met someone that in the first meeting I felt as if I had known them all my life. Again we seem to have that going for us. I feel as if I can tell her anything and I will not be judged. Since losing mother I have felt so lost as if my life has been turned upside down. My life is right now in great turmoil and I am making changes. Some think I am insane in the changes being made but some think it is past time for that. I know that for me my life must change or I will drown in unhappiness. I may be screwing my life up, and if I do that is on me, but I must change and I must grow so grab a seat and watch what happens. It will either be a great train wreck or it may be the wings I have needed to fly.


  1. Change is good, and it helps us grow in so many different ways! dont be afraid of it, embrace it and see where it takes you. Like a really good friendship, it will help you blossom and grow. Enjoy yourself as you see what the future holds and how your friends help you with that. Lots of love and have fun on this vacation. Love ya.


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