Women History month
So it’s women history month and on the way home yesterday I started thinking about products for women. It started when I was watching a women walk in front of my car with these shoes that were spiked and pointy. In my head I thought “you know some man had to come up with that idea because no women would think of that torture”. That led me to thinking about dresses and how I hate them but some women love them and this led to how at one time all people, including men wore dresses (You can see the ADD working in my brain). I wondered when this just became a women thing. Then I went back to the shoes and thought you know if the shoe hurts why wear it. I mean if my feet hurt I am so miserable. If I don’t like what I wear I am miserable. However, being short and rotund, most clothes are not made for me. I really like sticking to my jeans (or khakis if at work) and tees (or golf shirts at work). I should not, although, think ill of those women who do like the fashion they wear. I just don’t understand.
For women’s history month I am going to try and do a little blurb on women in my life that have influenced me. So I will start with my Grandmother, Charlie Joe Brown Purvis. She was the greatest. She was the vision of a southern genteel woman. Loved all, have a wonderful humor, talented and loved by all. She painted, and even tried to teach me; but after one summer of lessons decided I was unteachable in painting. She taught me about love and respect. I still fondly remember summers spent with her. I miss her almost daily and wish I had spent more time with her.
For women’s history month I am going to try and do a little blurb on women in my life that have influenced me. So I will start with my Grandmother, Charlie Joe Brown Purvis. She was the greatest. She was the vision of a southern genteel woman. Loved all, have a wonderful humor, talented and loved by all. She painted, and even tried to teach me; but after one summer of lessons decided I was unteachable in painting. She taught me about love and respect. I still fondly remember summers spent with her. I miss her almost daily and wish I had spent more time with her.
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