As those of you who have bothered to read my blog you probably noticed that I did not finish my women series. I do plan on finishing. In fact it is very important to me that I finish. I just had life get in the way right now. March 19 th my mother died. I have not been able to write about that or anything so far. The last month has been very hard for me and I do want to get on with life and know that I will, it’s just I don’t do well with emotional things. Maybe I will try and write a little a day, or at least try. For now this is the best I can do as I go through my grief.
Have you ever noticed that new love is like new life. With new love comes the feel of adventure and excitement in all that is around you. You find you have no time for the old things and instead want to spend every waking hour with this new creature in your life. Sometimes it is just like in the books and films about love. Everything around you seems good and right. I say all this and think well maybe thats how it is for me. Maybe I am the only one that sees life as one big spring season. Like the feelings inside you that are like new blossoms on the long dead tree or the new flowers opening their petals to the warm sun. Even though life is great and grand and all new it has its down side. For each person that downside is different and with each relationship its different. Sometimes its the lack of sleep because of being with or talking to the person all the time. Sometimes its the fact that you lose yourself by becoming so absorbed with this new creature. And sometimes its even the fa...
Forgiveness, a word I have never truly understood. According to the dictionary it means: to give up resentment or to cease to feel resentment against. Resentment is defined as: a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistant ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury. Sounds so simple. The problem is that is runs deeper than that. If I am in a theater and the person behind me kicks my seat and says I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that I can easily say no problem and think just don’t do it again. If my partner makes me mad about something and says she sorry I just get over being mad (sometimes this may take a little time) I look at the big picture and say no problem. If someone does something that I have asked them not to do again I get mad and will eventually say no problem. So why talk about my problem with forgiveness? Here is where I have a problem, it’s the big things. Lets take two things going on in my life right now. Someone in my life sent an email that should ...
Just 1 of me, I hope things are looking up.