
Showing posts from April, 2010

Long Time

Been awhile. I got sick and out of the habit of writting now I am addicted to a new game and so I have fallen to the wayside with writing. So whats on my mind. Well lets face it.... not much. My job and Church are stressing me out and so my body and mind have almost shut down. The one thing I have been pondering, since I live in Knoxville, is the trial of the guy who hacked Sarah Palins email . Most know that I am a liberal and that I think Palin is one big joke. I also am thankful McCain chose her as a running mate because if not he may have won. However this thing about this student does not sit right with me. Don't get me wrong I think he should be punished. I don't think he did it to hurt the campaign. I mean really she already looked ditzy enough, this kid did not have to help that. If he had wanted to hurt the campaign he would have gone after McCain. Having said that though he did do wrong and should be punished. So why does this not sit well with me. It's because ...

Getting Old Sucks

Many think I am not old, I'm 46. I am just now beginning to think maybe I'm older than I thought. I have been sick with an upper respitory infection. When I was younger (and drank a lot more) if I felt a cold or something coming on I would drink a little Nyquil go to bed early and be fine the next day. Now I end up going through 2 bottles of Nyquil sleep for a few DAYS and then end up going to the doctor. Colds and flus wipe me out now. They take everything out of me. I have coughed so much in the last week that my neck hurts and my upper stomach muscles ache. The worse part of this is that before any of this happened I found my first gray hair. I'm sure that by next week I will die of old age.