
Showing posts from May, 2011

Mona K

Mona also was a teacher and a friend. She was around when I was in the 6 th grade. She was our Music teacher. She instilled in me a love of music. Until I met her I had no idea that I could sing. I fell in love with singing with a little help. She also gave me the first lessons in self esteem. Until I met her I felt very little worth. I remember the first time she called me a nut and I was so hurt. Her response was “Nuts grow on trees, trees are part of nature, and God made all of nature”. She was the first to make me understand that ALL things made by God are beautiful.

Julia C.

Julia C is a teacher I had in Elementary school. I just loved/hated her. She was very strict and that is what I hated, because lets face it even then I was lazy. She however, saw through that and helped me see that science was not “bad”. She also fostered in me a love for science fiction and showed me that the imagination could take you anywhere. She helped me learn to cope with my abuse issues, though I never knew that until years later.

The Wise woman

The Wise woman is actually Deborah Thompson-Wise and she is one of my mentors in EFM (Education for Ministry). I knew her before EFM but have gotten to know her much better since then. DTW as she signs is a wonderful person. She has taught me more about the Bible, religion, and theology than any pastor or priest ever has. Her insight into the spiritual world is amazing. I wish everyone could learn from her. She has shown me how to give a quite caring for those around you. She has shown me in many ways that I am stronger than I ever thought. She is truly the “Wise Woman”.